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未入账订单7.3亿 中央全球竞标56亿合约
(吉隆坡2日讯)分析员认为,在本地高温遮蔽胶带领域市占率高达80%的中央全球(CGB,8052,主板工业产品服务组),未来核心净利增长将获得制造及贸易业务复兴、约7亿3000万令吉未入账订单,以及近56亿令吉的庞大招标书支撑,给予“买进”评级。 遮蔽胶带市占率80% 鼎峰证券研在报告指出,该公司作为我国其中一家高温遮蔽胶带领先业者,同时也在东南亚及美国拥有强劲品牌曝光率,目前年产量约3000万平方公尺。 据我们的管道查询,中央全球是我国最大的工业胶带生产商,在高温遮蔽胶带有约80%市占率。考量该公司制造及贸易业务净利贡献表现不一致,我们相信,随着遮蔽胶带今年初生产效率有望提高,可进一步抓住现有及新客户更强需求,有助制造及贸易业务潜在实现逆转。 另一方面,该行披露,中央全球先后在2022年1月及2023年10月,收购建筑技术供应商RYRT国际私人有限公司70%和30%股权,这家子公司料为其2025及2026财政年税前盈利带来显著贡献。 “RYRT国际目前未入账订单约7亿2949万令吉,加上近来获颁泛婆罗洲大道(Pan Borneo Highway)项目,相信可在中央全球的2025及2026财政年税前盈利做出显著贡献,约可分别占整体的81%及80.8%。” 鼎峰证券进一步说明,该公司获得订单前景亮眼,尤其目前竞标大约55亿9000万令吉的建筑合约,预期该公司可在2025财政年获得约6亿令吉新订单,加上在沙巴设立办事处也有助强化其在东马的曝光率。 有鉴于此,该行给予中央全球“买进”投资评级,目标价设在1令吉。 鉴于分析员看好公司业务前景,该股今年首个交易日开高走高,微升0.5仙以86.5仙报开,午盘间在86仙至89.5仙区间游走,最终收在全日最高的89.5仙,上升3.5仙,成交量有868万1400股。
02 Jan, 2025
Central Global in Sabah property buy
PETALING JAYA: Central Global Bhd is acquiring a four-storey office and showroom from Sribina Resources Sdn Bhd in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah for RM19.5mil. In a filing with Bursa Malaysia, Central Global said the acquisition is part of the overall strategy of increasing the group’s profile as one of the leading construction groups in that region, specifically Sabah. Additionally, Central Global said the acquisition will allow the company to cross-sell and expand its presence of its products and to be the headquarters/ warehouse/storehouse for its vehicles/ machinery when projects are completed. The company said the acquisition is estimated to be completed within five months of the sale and purchase agreement with Sribina. “The property is purchased for own office usage and the board of directors is not aware of any specific risk,” it said.
02 Oct, 2024
6亿合约赚幅料双位数 中央全球实力展现
周梓彬/专访 (吉隆坡24日讯)中央全球(CGB,8052,主板工业产品服务组)近期斩获总值约6亿1638万令吉的沙巴泛婆罗洲大道分包工程合约,负责提供项目建设和竣工所需的设备、机械、劳动力和材料,该公司看好这项合约的赚幅可达双位数。 这笔超过6亿令吉的巨额订单,相当于该公司2023财政年,也就是2亿2200万令吉营业额的近3倍,无疑是该公司的一次重要突破。 董事经理周显达在接受《星洲财经》专访时表示,获得这笔大单合约充分彰显公司在承接和交付项目上的能力。 他透露,该合约为期42个月,并且预计需要4至6个月做前期准备工作,在接下来的36个月,该公司放眼每年完成约2亿令吉的工程。 谈及这份合约能为公司贡献多少净利?周显达指出,这份合约的赚幅预计至少有双位数。 他表示,除非遇到不可预见的挑战,否则公司有信心如期完成整个项目,他也预计这个项目将在未来3年半为公司带来稳定收入。 总订单7.6亿 足够支撑至2028年 谈及订单总额,周显达透露,公司当前的订单总额约为7亿6000万令吉,足以支撑公司业绩至2028年。 此外,该公司也正在竞标总值达37亿令吉的项目,这些项目主要集中于国内,包括基础设施建设、水源和发电项目,他也有信心在接下来的数月有望赢得更多新合约。 总的来说,周显达对沙巴泛婆罗洲大道分包工程及37亿令吉的投标书将对公司业绩贡献持乐观态度。 “如果2024财政年表现理想,我们不排除会派发股息,回馈股东。” 面临财务管理和人才短缺问题 谈及公司挑战,周显达指出,财务管理和人才短缺是公司面临的主要问题。他说,尽管获得这份价值超过6亿令吉的合约,需要一定的资金去执行项目,但公司不会通过增发股票或私下配售来筹集资金,而是计划依靠银行贷款和内部资金完成项目。 与此同时,他说,在沙巴寻找合适的人才特别是专业人员是一项艰巨任务,尤其是与新加坡竞争人才。尽管普通劳动力尚能满足需求,但该公司在专业技术人才方面仍吃紧。 谈及2024财政年首季和次季营收及净利较2023年下半年明显下滑的原因,周显达解释,之前的项目顺利推进,推动业绩大幅增长,而后续项目则进入更具挑战的阶段,导致营收有所下降。 在谈及如何提高未来营收时,他指出,建筑行业的关键在于持续获取新合约,唯有保持收入增长,才能推动盈利提升。 他表示,建筑行业的成本受原材料价格影响较大,尽管合约中会注明若原材料价格超出指定范围,该公司有权申请额外成本补偿,但在价格波动范围内的成本则需公司自行承担。 谈到马币走强对建筑行业的影响时,他认为,虽然马币升值对部分成本有利,但柴油等其他成本的上涨可能抵销这一优势。 关于未来的业务重心,周显达表示,公司将专注于沙巴合约的执行,因公司设备和团队均已在当地部署。 拟转型建筑业公司 另外,由于建筑业务占公司的多数营收,因此该公司计划从制造业转向建筑业公司。 展望2025年,周显达对大马建筑业,特别是吉隆坡的前景充满信心。 他提到,政府计划建设捷运三线(MRT3)项目,该项目将连接吉隆坡超过30个区域,可推动周边房地产及经济发展。 “公司也看准了这个市场,并寻找机会参与其中。”
24 Sep, 2024
Central Global clinches RM616.4mil Pan Borneo Highway contract
PETALING JAYA: Central Global Bhd (CGB), via its wholly-owned sub-subsidiary RYRT International Sdn Bhd, has accepted a letter of award from Pembinaan Urusmesra Sdn Bhd for road upgrades to the Sabah Pan Borneo Highway project, worth RM616.4mil. In a filing with Bursa Malaysia, CGB said the contract is for the construction and completion of Phase 1B that will comprise the upgrading of roads from the Lahad Datu Bypass to the Kg Sandau (work package 22). “Under the scope of the contract, RYRT will be responsible for the supply of plant, machinery, labour and materials required for the construction and completion of the project. “The letter of award is for the construction and completion of the project for a period commencing on Sept 30, 2024 and ending on March 29, 2028.” CGB said the project award has significantly increased the group’s order book by 456.3%, amounting to RM751.5mil. CGB group managing director Chew Hian Tat said: "This is a strong indication of the group’s capability to undertake and deliver a megaproject of this magnitude. We are now rather optimistic and eagerly looking forward towards future project awards from our tender books estimated to be at RM3.7bil”. Barring any unforeseen circumstances, CGB said the contract is expected to provide a steady stream of revenue to the group over the next three and a half years. CGB closed up one sen, or 1.12% to 0 sen with 6.34 million shares traded.
04 Sep, 2024
Sticking to excellence, one roll at a time!
We are currently expanding our production, and every beam we use tells a story of our progress and creativity. Join us on this sticky journey with us as we tape up the future with endless possibilities!
30 Jan, 2024
Annual CNY celebration Dinner
As the Group Managing Director of Central Global Berhad, I extend my heartfelt congratulations to representatives from our subsidiaries nationwide for joining us in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, at the annual CNY celebration Dinner. Embracing diverse cultural backgrounds and ethnic styles, we collectively enjoyed an unforgettable evening filled with joy and camaraderie. Your presence has truly added a special touch to this celebration. Here's to the unity within our diverse family!
21 Jan, 2024
Our factory is gearing up for an exciting expension
Step by step, the foundation of our dreams is solidifying into reality. Our factory is gearing up for an exciting expension! Every brick laid, every structure signifies a milestone in our journey towards innovation and growth. Stay connected for more exclusive glimpses into our progress!
09 Jan, 2024
Paving the road to tomorrow and building roads for a connected future.
Paving the road to tomorrow and building roads for a connected future. A key tenet of contemporary society, the Jalan Semawang Project links and promotes community development, safety, and an overall higher standard of living. For the project's seamless execution, our Group Managing Director, Mr. Chew Hian Tat, is closely monitoring its development.
09 Aug, 2023
Embracing nature's challenges with the Batu Sapi Slope Construction Project
Embracing nature's challenges with the Batu Sapi Slope Construction Project. With consideration for the environment and in order to provide safe and steady access, the slope building modifies the natural topography to meet human needs. Watch as our team carefully and precisely sculpts landscapes and overcomes nature's obstacles.
02 Aug, 2023
Water Intake Project and Reservoir located at Lahad Datu
Ensuring access to safe, clean water for all is not just a dream—it's a vital mission we can all be a part of. During the weekend, our Group Managing Director, Mr. Chew Hian Tat, went for a site visit at the Water Intake Project and Reservoir located at Lahad Datu. It is critical that we have access to clean water since it helps to reduce human health hazards.
31 Jul, 2023
Visited Persatuan Kebajikan Chen Ai OKU
Giving back to the community is always an essential part of our corporate culture. On 9th June, our dedicated team led by Ir. Beh, Chief Operating Officer (West Malaysia) of Construction & Development Division, visited Persatuan Kebajikan Chen Ai OKU as part of the Group’s corporate social responsibility program. Our team brought along items that could help them out in their day-to-day necessities. Witnessing the power of unity, compassion, and support, we're committed to making a lasting impact in the lives of these differently abled individuals.
12 Jun, 2023
Corporate Social Responsibility. Charity event by RYRT INTERNATIONAL SDN BHD Venue: Don Bosco Children Home, Bundu Tuhan sabah. Date: 21 October 2022
02 Oct, 2022
Central Global wins RM183 mil contract in Sandakan
KUALA LUMPUR (Sept 28): Central Global Bhd has secured a RM183.29 million contract for the supply of plant, machinery, labour and materials required for the construction and completion of a project known as “Projek Jalan Semawang ke Tanjung Kuala Gum-Gum” in Sandakan, Sabah. Its 70%-owned subsidiary RYRT International Sdn Bhd had on Wednesday (Sept 28) been awarded the project by a third party main contractor, Pembinaan Urusmesra Sdn Bhd, which is scheduled to start on Oct 14, 2022, and be completed by Oct 13, 2025. Notably, the contract value exceeds the market capitalisation of the group — which is mainly involved in making industrial tape and label stock, and construction — which stood at RM113.89 million, based on its closing price of 91 sen on Wednesday. This contract is expected to provide an additional stream of revenue and profits to Central Global for the financial years ending 2023 to 2025, according to the group’s bourse filing. Shares of Central Global closed unchanged at 91 sen on Thursday, giving it a market capitalisation of RM113.9 million. Source: The Edge Malaysia
29 Sep, 2022
Solid plan needed to mitigate rising construction materials cost
KUALA LUMPUR: There should be an intervention by the government to mitigate construction costs against the rise in construction materials prices, Central Global Bhd group managing director Chew Hian Tat said. Chew said that in the upcoming Budget 2023, the company proposes financial assistance through small and medium enterprise (SME) loans to help mitigate this unusual price hike for the affected contracted projects. He added that this could ensure that construction companies can deliver the projects on time. "Prices of major construction materials have increased across the board due to reduced productivity and logistic issues brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic. "This includes prices of materials such as steel bars and concrete, which have risen nearly 40 per cent compared to a year ago. "The increase in material costs has affected the contractual profit margins of projects contracted before the price hike," he said in a statement today. The main market listed Central Global operates in the manufacturing segment, specialising in industrial tapes and label stocks, as well as the construction segment. Besides that, Chew said the company hopes the authorities will ease the requirements for importing foreign labour. This is for the construction industry to readjust the demand and supply situation and stabilise the price of labour needed for the projects. "Foreign labour issues have long plagued Malaysia, and the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak, unfortunately, exacerbated the condition due to the freeze on foreign labour import quota imposed by the government throughout the two years of the movement restriction period. "This has caused disruptions in businesses all over, resulting in production losses, unmet demand, and the loss of billions in revenue. "Looking at this, it is now more important than ever to recruit foreign workers to encourage business recovery," he added. Meanwhile, Chew said Central Global also expects the government to introduce more tax benefits for the construction industry, including capital allowances, to encourage industry players to adopt automation by investing in more machinery and equipment and subsequently reduce reliance on labour. He said a capital allowance of 150 per cent spanned over five years could be used to deduct against future business income over the next five years. Chew said the company is also looking forward to a revision or waiver in real property gains tax (RPGT) for the property development industry. "As with most industries, the pandemic also adversely affected the property development industry. "A proposed revision or waiver in the RPGT would be a major booster for property development companies, which in turn could spur on much-needed construction projects," he said.
25 Sep, 2022
Central Global Registered Stellar Growth in Revenue, Buoyed by Construction Segment
The main-board listed manufacturer cum constructor has today announced its interim financial results for the second quarter (Q2) Financial Period Ended 30 June 2022 (FPE 30 June 2022). The Group posted a Profit After Tax (PAT) of RM4.40 million for its Q2 FPE 30 June 2022 which reflects a RM4.91 million increase in comparison to the same reporting period last year. The improved bottom line came on the back of a 117% or RM21.31 million increase in revenue to RM39.46 million as compared to the corresponding period of the previous year. Meanwhile, Central Global also registered a growth of RM30.80 million or 55% in revenue for the six-month financial period ended 30 June 2022. During this same time, the Group also posted an increase of RM7.83 million in its PAT to RM6.30 million. On the Construction segment front -the Group’s main earnings contributor – revenue continued to soar to RM24.25 million in Q2 FPE 30 June 2022. This translates to a RM22.21 million or 1,089% increase year-on-year which was attributable to the Group’s secured projects, the RYRT Lahad Datu Phase 1 Water Supply System and the accelerated work progress on the Montage condominium in Bayan Lepas, Penang. While the Construction segment makes up 61% of the Group’s total revenue, the Manufacturing segment makes up the remaining 39%, contributing RM15.20 million for Q2 FPE 30 June 2022. “This was an exceptional quarter for us. I hope that our performance this quarter, which sees our PAT reaching an all-time high, is a testament to the success of our new business strategy,” CGB’s Group Managing Director Chew Hian Tat said. “We anticipate that both business segments will remain resilient in the upcoming quarters despite the rocky road ahead expected in the Construction industry. Nevertheless, we’re excited for what’s in store in the next quarter especially for our Construction segment as we will begin work on our newly secured contracts namely the Quinton condominium, the Sri Bayu apartment and the Montage condominium which have a total contract value of RM85 million,” he added. “We are also optimistic of our Manufacturing segment’s prospects and we are well positioned to benefit from the anticipated higher export sales in the next quarter as a result of the return of a full workforce to our manufacturing plant. Production is running at nearly full capacity in order to clear the backlogged orders from our overseas customers,” he remarked. “Our additional mixers have been installed and are currently under trial runs in August. The additional mixers will increase our output by 20% to 215 metric tonnes. We also look forward to complement our existing range of industrial tapes by increasing the product portfolio through our consistent research and development efforts,” he explained. Source: Business today
24 Aug, 2022
CGB aims to triple its revenue its manufacturing division in 2023
SELANGOR: Central Industrial Corp Bhd (CICB), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Central Global Bhd (CGB) aims to double or even triple its revenue per annum for its manufacturing division in 2023 with the purchase of machinery that will increase the manufacturing capacity of our industrial masking tapes. CGB group managing director Chew Hian Tat said that the machinery will increase output volume to 215 tonnes monthly from our current capacity of 179 tonnes per month. He hopes the machinery will be successfully installed sometime in July and we can subsequently commence the operations by August. He said that at the launch on June 29 of the new logo of CICB in conjunction with the 50th anniversary of its establishment. CICB, which was founded in 1972, pioneered the manufacturing of industrial hi-temp masking tapes in Malaysia, specifically crepe paper masking tapes. Since its inception, CICB has been serving the automotive, painter and industrial business sectors in both the domestic and international markets such as Australia, New Zealand, the US, China, Thailand, India, Singapore, Indonesia, Vietnam, Brunei, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Sri Lanka and Europe. To date, CICB’s products amount to more than 50 types of specialised industrial tapes and label stocks under its belt as a result of its consistent research and development (R&D) and innovation efforts to extend its product portfolio for tape related trading items. “CICB started 50 years ago with the vision to be a leading premium solution provider to the adhesive labels and tapes industries through our high quality and innovative products. In line with this, we have increased our focus on R&D efforts to produce newer and more innovative products to keep up with the constantly evolving industry trends as well as to cater to a wider spectrum of customers and end-user requirements,“ said Chew. “Our immediate focus will be to diversify into food and beverage, particularly food security as well as manufacturing base industries segment to expand our business areas. We believe these two industries will be the key growth drivers for CICB in the near future,“ added Chew. CGB also has rolled out other expansion plans which include improving its production efficiency through the purchase of machinery in anticipation of increased demand. The rapidly expanding automotive industry is expected to boost the demand for masking tapes. “At the moment, we’re finalising the purchase of machinery that will increase the manufacturing capacity of our industrial masking tapes by two and a half times to 70 million square metres (sq m) of tapes per annum from the current 20 million sq m. We had also recently received additional mixers that would increase our mixing output volume to 215 tonnes monthly from our current capacity of 179 tonnes per month. This translates to a 20% increase per month. We hope that the new mixers will be successfully installed sometime in July and we can subsequently commence the operations by August,“ said Chew. In line with the expected increase in production, the group aims to double or even triple its revenue per annum for its manufacturing division in 2023.
30 Jun, 2022
A True Shinning Star of Malaysia and Beyond
Thank you for support of the past 50 years… We looking forward for your another 50 years.. Central Global Berhad, A True Shinning Star of Malaysia and Beyond.
29 Jun, 2022
Majlis Penyerahan Bantuan Hari Raya Peringkat IPD PJ dengan Kerjasama CENTRAL GLOBAL BERHAD.
Majlis Penyerahan Bantuan Hari Raya Peringkat IPD PJ dengan Kerjasama CENTRAL GLOBAL BERHAD.
29 Apr, 2022
Memorandum of Understannding between Central Global Energy SB & JJ-LAPP (M) SB
29 Apr, 2022
Central Global clinches RM26 mil contract for construction of quarters in Labuan
KUALA LUMPUR (April 7): Industrial tape and label stock maker Central Global Bhd has secured a RM26.03 million contract to supply labour, materials, machinery, tools and equipment for a project involving the construction of quarters for students and staff for Institut Latihan Perindustrian (ILP) in Labuan, Sabah. In a Bursa Malaysia filing on Thursday (April 7), the group said the project, which was secured by its wholly owned subsidiary Central Global Construction Sdn Bhd from third party main contractor Mewajadi Sdn Bhd with a commencement date of March 8, is to be completed by Sept 2, 2024. The ILP is owned by the Human Resources Ministry. The group said the contract is expected to provide a steady stream of revenue to the group over the next two years and contribute positively to its earnings and net assets per share in the same period. Shares in Central Global finished unchanged at 94 sen on Thursday, valuing the group at RM95.75 million. Source: The Edge Malaysia
07 Apr, 2022
Corporate social responsibility: PROGRAM PELAPIS RAKAN POLIS (PPRP) Organize by IPD PETALING JAYA As part of CGB's corporate social responsibility initiatives, we participated in Dewan Ilmu Petaling Jaya program on 19 March 2022. We urge the community to give their full support to police force.
19 Mar, 2022
Central Global acquires 70% stake in RYRT International for RM30m
PETALING JAYA: Central Global Bhd (CGB) wholly owned subsidiary CIC Construction Sdn Bhd has entered into a sale and purchase agreement today with RYRT Holdings Sdn Bhd to acquire a 70% stake in RYRT International Sdn Bhd for RM30.1 million to be satisfied wholly via issuance of shares in CGB at the price of RM1.04. As part of the acquisition, the group also entered into a profit guarantee agreement whereby RYRT Holdings guarantees that RYRT will achieve an aggregate audited profit after tax of RM43 million for a period of two years for the financial year ending Aug 31, 2022 (FY22) and FY23. RYRT headquartered in Kota Kinabalu is an established infrastructure construction player with an extensive clientele. RYRT’s existing orderbook is RM262 million with contracts including, among others, a government project referred to as Project Lahad Datu Phase 1 involving the upgrading of water supply infrastructure in Lahad Datu, Sabah. The acquisition is consistent with the vision and intention of CGB to expand its construction segment into infrastructure projects to create long-term revenue growth and income sustainability. During the signing ceremony, CGB managing director Chew Hian Tat said CGB had ventured into the construction segment in 2017 and it recently expanded its construction activities to include infrastructure projects. “The opportunities from this sector is appealing to us. The acquisition of RYRT enables the group to establish a presence in the construction industry in Sabah. “We are excited to include RYRT as part of our efforts to solidify our construction business segment, which will inevitably enhance our revenue and profitability moving forward. We see a huge potential in this company and this is an opportunity for us to embark with RYRT and elevate the company to another level – be it areas of its business, its approach and also its outlook.” Malaysia’s construction sector is projected to turn around in 2022, following the continuation and acceleration of major infrastructure projects in Malaysia such as the LRT3, MRT3 as well as Pan Borneo Highways in Sabah and Sarawak. Through this acquisition, the group can immediately create business synergies by combining its existing platform and network with RYRT’s existing orderbook. Barring any unforeseen circumstances, the group expects this development to contribute positively towards its future earnings. Source: The Sun Daily
26 Jan, 2022
New driving force for Central Global
“Our manufacturing plant is now allowed to operate with a full workforce and production is running at near full capacity in order to clear the backlog of orders from customers, of which 28% are from abroad.” - Chew Hian Tat LITTLE-known businessman Chew Hian Tat first emerged as a major shareholder in Central Global Bhd (CGB) back in late February 2021 when he acquired close to a 25% stake in the group. Today, with a stake of 30% and having been made the group’s managing director in November, Chew explains what he sees in the company and the tasks that lay ahead on how he intends to strengthen CGB. CGB is not a new company. It has been a maker of industrial high-temperature masking tapes since 1972 and in 2017, it ventured into the construction industry. While these may not be overly exciting industries, Chew, who has been a businessman involved in areas such as property development, IT systems for parking and distribution of health and supplement products, sees “vast opportunities” for CGB to expand. “In CGB, I saw an opportunity for the company to grow in both the manufacturing and construction sectors beyond the domestic market,” Chew, 47, tells StarBizWeek. Through wholly-owned subsidiary Central Industrial Corp Bhd, the group is currently the biggest masking tape manufacturer in Malaysia, serving both the domestic and international markets such as Australia, New Zealand, the United States and China. Chew believes the group can become the biggest player in the self-adhesive tape and label industries in South-East Asia by 2023. He also intends to leverage on his network, particularly in the construction business, to further grow CGB. Chew says the group is open to explore new segments beyond construction and manufacturing. “In today’s ever-changing business environment, an organisation must be able to revitalise itself as well as respond and adapt to change quickly,” he adds. He says the group’s construction team is in preliminary discussions with a few potential partners for these new pursuits. CGB recently signed a memorandum of understanding with Smart Sabah Corp Sdn Bhd to set up a joint venture to create a digital dashboard for the Sabah’s Ministry of Finance website. Going forward, it plans to venture into the renewable energy segment with the construction of solar photovoltaic projects within Asean, adds Chew. CGB’s construction arm provides building and contract works in the northern region of Peninsular Malaysia. Projects it has completed include Tri-Pinnacle, Eco Horizon (Ashton) and Beacon Executive Suites. Chew says the group’s manufacturing division is being streamlined to make it more capable of delivering “holistic and organic” growth. In line with its aim to become the biggest player in the self-adhesive tape and label industries in South-East Asia by 2023, the group will be investing in new machines to improve its production efficiency by 2.5 times to 70 million sq m of tapes per year. This is to meet the increasing demand for its products from customers both locally and abroad, says Chew. “We also intend to enhance the range of specialty tapes and extend our product portfolio for tape-related items to cater to a wider spectrum of customers,” he says. Where new business opportunities are concerned, Chew says the group is evaluating segments such as renewable energy, IT and healthcare-related industries. He also does not rule out streamlining the business he is involved in outside the listed entity under the CGB umbrella in the future. Chew started his career in 1996 with Shanghai Chanda Steel Sales Co in China, where he mainly dealt in international trade and construction. In 2001, he became an entrepreneur and now helms private companies involved in property development, licensed multi-level direct selling, health and supplement product distribution and IT parking systems. Chew is also busy steering the group out of the Covid-19 challenges. He says the containment measures imposed by the government to curb the spread of the virus hindered the group’s production to a certain extent, which in turn affected its financial performance. “In June, our manufacturing plant was only allowed to operate at 60% capacity, followed by a total closure in July 2021 due to the enforcement of the full movement control order. We were only allowed to resume operations the following month at 60% workforce capacity. “Consequently, many orders could not be fulfilled and shipped on time, which has given rise to a significant backlog of orders,” he says. For the third quarter ended Sept 30, 2021, CGB posted a net loss of RM2.38mil, bringing total losses for the nine-month period to RM3.92mil. However, Chew expects the group to turn around in the fourth quarter with the economy showing encouraging signs of recovery. “Our manufacturing plant is now allowed to operate with a full workforce and production is running at near full capacity in order to clear the backlog of orders from customers, of which 28% are from abroad,” he says. According to Chew, the group is also optimistic about its prospects in the construction sector with tender book standing at RM655mil. It has two ongoing construction projects, namely the Montage condominium in Bayan Lepas, Penang, and the upgrading of a water supply system in Lahad Datu, Sabah. CGB recently placed out 10.864 million shares and has successfully raised some RM12.15mil from the private placement exercise as at end-October 2021. The bulk of the money will go towards the purchase and installation of a new masking tape coater production line and to fund its existing construction projects. Shares of CGB closed 24 sen higher at RM1.33 yesterday, giving the stock a market capitalisation of RM135.48mil. Source: KLSE Screener
01 Jan, 2022
Central Global Berhad Increases Production Capacity by 250% to Meet Fresh Demand
- Machinery purchases increase tape manufacturing capacity from 20 mil to 70 mil sqm - Potential order book at 30 mil sqm KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 16, 2021 - (ACN Newswire) - Central Global Berhad ("Central Global" or "Group"), a producer of industrial masking tapes and label stocks as well as general building contractor, is in the midst of finalizing the purchase of machinery that will triple the Group's manufacturing arm's capacity to produce industrial masking tapes. With the purchase of the new machinery, the Group's factory in Kuala Muda, Kedah, will have a capacity to produce up to 70 million square metres ("sqm") per year of tapes from 20 million sqm of tapes per year from the old machinery. Central Global executive chairman Dato' Faisal Zelman said, "This is perfect timing for us as we currently have new potential orders of up to 30 million sqm of masking tape orders from existing customers. The new machinery will make us even more productive and efficient while allowing us the capacity to grow the business." "We are also able to fulfil backlog orders worth RM10.0 million from July and August that had been delayed due to the enhanced movement control order that was extended by two weeks in parts of Kuala Muda to the end of July. We were only able to restart operations from 2 August 2021 and only at 60% capacity for employees, but we are pleased to announce that all our employees will be fully vaccinated by 23 August 2021." The purchase of new machinery for the Group's factory in Kuala Muda will be partly financed through a private placement exercise of 18 million new shares which is expected to raise approximately RM26.0 million, which included financing for a construction project in Penang. The production expansion of the Group's manufacturing arm is in conjunction with Central Global's growth initiatives for its construction segment. The Group signed an MoU in early June with Multi Scopes Engineering Sdn Bhd to form a joint venture to bid for building a RM250.0 million sewage treatment plant in Kwasa Damansara, Selangor and was awarded an RM101.0 million construction project in April 2021 to upgrade the water supply system in Lahad Datu, Sabah. Contact: Hakim Juraimi Email: Source: ACN Newswire
16 Aug, 2021
Central Global Berhad Makes Two Board Appointments
KUALA LUMPUR, June 24, 2021 - (ACN Newswire) - Main Market-listed Central Global Berhad ("Central Global") is pleased to announce the appointments of Yang Hormat Mulia ("YHM") Tengku Dato' Indera Abu Bakar Ahmad ("Tengku Abu Bakar") and Encik Shaharuddin bin Abdullah ("Encik Shaharuddin") as non-executive directors of the Group. YHM Tengku Abu Bakar, 36, has a background in strategic planning, specialising in health-related, e-commerce and information technology businesses. He is currently chairman of Fomema Sdn Bhd, which operates a foreign workers' medical examination screening system in Peninsular Malaysia, as well as chairman of several other related companies. He is also a director of Bookdoc Holdings Sdn Bhd, which operates a mobile application connecting patients with medical professionals. Tengku Abu Bakar holds a Bachelor of Business in Accounting from Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorne, Australia. He has also throughout his career accumulated experience in dealing with multinational companies while providing guidance and support in the companies where he is a member of the board of directors. Encik Shaharuddin, 60, spent his entire career in the Royal Malaysian Police and retired as an Assistant Commissioner of Police where his last posting was as Head of Administration for the Human Resources Department (Policy). He holds a Master in Social Science from University Kebangsaan Malaysia and a Diploma in Forensic Investigation from University Malaya. Please contact the below for more information: Muhammad Hakim Source: ACN Newswire
24 Jun, 2021
Central Global Berhad's Proposed Private Placement Approved by Bursa Securities
(MENAFN - ACN NewsWire) Proposed private placement of up to 18 million new shares may be issued in several tranches with price-fixing dates to determine issue prices KUALA LUMPUR, Apr 23, 2021 - (ACN Newswire) - Central Global Berhad's ("CGB") proposed private placement of up to 18 million new ordinary shares has been approved by Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad ("Bursa Securities"). CGB executive chairman Dato' Faisal Zelman CGB is a manufacturer of specialised industrial tapes and label stocks that pioneered industrial hi-temp masking tapes manufacturing and is a one-stop solution provider for crepe paper masking. The Group's other business is construction, where it recently won a subcontract valued at RM100.54 million to upgrade water supply infrastructure in Lahad Datu, Sabah. A letter from Bursa Securities dated 22 April 2021 was received by TA Securities Holdings Berhad ("TA Securities"), the advisor and placement agent for CGB, informing of the approval for the listing and quotation of up to 18 million new ordinary shares to be issued pursuant to the proposed private placement. The proposed private placement is subject to CGB and TA Securities fully complying with the relevant provisions under the Main Market Listing Requirements of the proposed private placement; that CGB and TA Securities inform Bursa Securities upon completion of the proposed private placement; that CGB furnishes Bursa Securities with a written confirmation of the Group's compliance with the terms and conditions of Bursa Securities' approval once the proposed private placement is completed; and, in the event the proposed private placement is not completed before the next annual general meeting ("AGM"), that CGB furnishes a certified true copy of the resolution passed by shareholders for a general mandate under Sections 75 and 76 of the Companies Act, 2016 at the Group's forthcoming AGM. CGB executive chairman Dato' Faisal Zelman said, "We are glad for the approval as we have plans in the pipeline to expand our manufacturing and construction businesses. We need new machinery that is more efficient and cost-effective for our manufacturing operations and we will use part of the proceeds to fund a construction project in Pulau Pinang." "As we have plans beyond the immediate ones for both the manufacturing and construction businesses, we are also allocating a portion of the proceeds for future growth as well as having a portion for working capital purposes." For more information, please contact: Hakim Juraimi Tel: +60 12-318 5410 MENAFN23042021002725003249ID1101971299 Source: MENAFN
23 Apr, 2021
Central Global bags RM101m contract to upgrade water supply system in Sabah
KUALA LUMPUR (April 16): Central Global Bhd (CGB) said its unit has secured a contract worth RM100.54 million to upgrade the water supply system in Lahad Datu, Sabah, known as 'Projek Menaiktaraf Sistem Bekalan Air Di Lahad Datu Fasa 1'. Its wholly-owned subsidiary Proventus Bina Sdn Bhd (PBSB) accepted a letter of award from RYRT International Sdn Bhd today, said the group in a bourse filing. According to the group, the scope of works encompasses the supply of labour, materials, machinery and equipment relating to the upgrading of water supply infrastructure which connects Kg Belacon to the water treatment plant located at Jalan Dam, and connecting to the main water reservoir at Lahad Datu. The contract shall commence on April 28, 2021 and will be completed on June 24, 2023, the group said. CGB said the contract will further increase and enhance the existing order book of the group, adding that it is expected to provide a steady stream of revenue for the company over the next two years. “The contract will have no effect on the share capital of the company but it is expected to contribute positively to the earnings and net assets per share of the group for the financial years ending 2021 to 2022,” the group added. At market close, CGB was 15 sen or 7.28% lower at RM1.91, valuing the group at RM171.9 million. Source: The Edge Markets
16 Apr, 2021
Central Global's unit bags RM100mil contract
KUALA LUMPUR: Central Global Bhd's wholly-owned subsidiary, Proventus Bina Sdn Bhd (PBSB), has accepted a letter of award from RYRT International Sdn Bhd for the project known as Projek Menaiktaraf Sistem Bekalan Air Di Lahad Datu Fasa 1 worth RM100.54 million. In a filing to Bursa Malaysia, the company said the scope of sub-contract works awarded to PBSB is in relation to the upgrading works of water supply infrastructure connecting Kg Belacon to the water treatment plant located at Jalan Dam, and further connecting to the main water reservoir at Lahad Datu, Sabah. The contract will commence on April 28, 2021 and to be completed on June 24, 2023. "The contract will further increase and enhance the existing order book and is expected to provide a steady stream of revenue for the group over the next two years. "The contract will have no effect on the share capital of the company but it is expected to contribute positively to the earnings and net assets per share of the group for the financial years ending 2021 to 2022," it said. Source: NST
16 Apr, 2021
(吉隆坡5日讯) 中央全球(CGB,8052,主要版工业)建议私下配售1800万新股,相等于不超过集团总发行股本的20%,与合格的第三方投资者,发行日待定。 中央全球今日发布文指出,此项配售计划将在获得马交所批准后的6个月内分批进行,或由该董事局决定,分批发售。 文告指出,到时所发出的新股将享有与目前已发行股份同等权利。 这次私配活动所筹获资金,将会投入到新的美纹纸胶带涂布机生产线,一项正在进行中的建筑项目。同时也用于营运资本,以及支付私配活动的相关开支。 中央全球也同时进军建筑业务,目前的主要建筑项目集中于马来西亚半岛北部地区。 中央全球执行主席拿督法依萨指出:“此次私配活动符合我们拓展集团美纹纸胶带制造业务的计划。我们会专注于提高生产量和生产效率,这不仅能善用资源,减少浪费,同时也可以确保产品的质量,这也是能获得客户继续下订的关键,尤其是我们的出口订单。” 中央全球是工业用途美纹纸胶带和标签纸制造商,该集团不仅是生产耐高温美纹纸胶带的先驱,也是提供各类胶带及解决方案的一站式供应商。 Source: China Press
06 Apr, 2021
Central Global seeks to raise RM25.83m via private placement
KUALA LUMPUR (April 5): Central Global Bhd plans to place out up to 20% of its issued shares to raise money to fund its construction project, manufacturing operations expansion, and working capital needs. The placement shares will be issued to qualified third-party investors to be identified at a later date, the specialised industrial tape maker said in a Bursa Malaysia filing. For illustrative purposes, the group said the issue price of the placement shares is assumed at RM1.435 each, representing a discount of 15.09 sen or 9.52% from the five-day volume-weighted average market price up to April 2 of RM1.5859. Based on this RM1.435 indicative price, the private placement is expected to raise gross proceeds of up to RM25.83 million. Of this amount, the bulk or RM13.69 million will go to fund its existing construction project, a 34-storey apartment building named the Montage project. The money will be used to purchase building construction materials and pay subcontractors’ fees. The project has commenced in July 2020 and is expected to be completed by June 30, 2022. Another RM6 million will be allocated as capital expenditures to purchase and install a new masking tape coater production line under Central Global's manufacturing operation, while RM5.5 million will be used for working capital. “Although the proposed private placement is expected to result in dilution to the shareholdings of existing shareholders of the company, the use of the proceeds from the proposed private placement is expected to contribute positively to the future earnings of the group,” it said. The group said the private placement may be implemented in one or more tranches within six months from the date of approval from Bursa Securities for the exercise. Central Global executive chairman Datuk Faisal Zelman said the private placement is in line with the group’s plans for the production of masking tapes in its manufacturing business. “We want to focus on keeping critical production volumes up, undertake efforts to drive efficiencies in production that can minimise wastage as well as ensure consistency in product quality, which is key to recurring orders especially for our export orders," he said in a statement. Faisal also said the group will continue to undertake construction projects and have tendered for several projects. Central Global shares closed eight sen or 5% higher at RM1.68, bringing the group a market capitalisation of RM151 million. The counter saw 6.91 million shares traded. The stock was trading at 65 sen at the start of the year. Source: The Edge Markets
05 Apr, 2021
Central Global new board to fortify segment market, positive earnings turnaround
KUALA LUMPUR: Central Global Bhd (CGB), which has appointed new board members in February this year, is fortifying the company's position as a leading producer of self-adhesive label stocks and tapes in Malaysia. Executive chairman Datuk Faisal Zelman, who was appointed to the board on February 26, 2021, said the new board will focus efforts on growing the construction business, which was loss-making in the financial year ended December 31, 2020 (FY20). "We aim to reinforce our leading position in the self-adhesive label stock and tapes business. "We have onboard new talent and formulating new ideas as we foresee lots of potential in this industry," he said. "Our manufacturing operations is good to run on its own, it's operating full-fledge. What we want to do is streamline the production operations, buy new machinery, save costs where we can and expand to new markets," he said in a statement today. Manufacturing contributed 43 per cent of CGB's revenue in FY20. CGB's self-adhesive label stocks and tapes, which cater mainly for professional auto spray painting, packing, advertising applications, general labelling and identification, are exported to Australia, New Zealand, USA, China, Thailand, India, Singapore, Indonesia, Vietnam, Brunei, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Sri Lanka and Europe. According to the company's fourth quarter (Q4) FY20 financial results released in late February 2021, CGB will be increasing prices of products to counter the rise in material cost such as paper, rubber and chemicals going into the first quarter of 2021. As for the construction business, CGB's current projects in Penang would last for another two years. "We are proceeding cautiously with construction as it's a competitive industry but we do see huge potential," Faisal said. The company's construction business order book is currently at RM42 million. "We are aiming to increase the order book and we are working on some deals that will be announced this year. "Our focus is mostly constructing for property developers although we are also looking at civil infrastructure," he added. CGB expects this year to be better than last year. "We are still cautious as this is the second year of the Covid-19 pandemic. "However, the manufacturing business is steady and we are looking at a potential pipeline of construction projects coming our way, which is reason enough to expect this year to be better than last year," he said. Source: NST
26 Mar, 2021

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